At the bottom of this page you will find a full length position statement drafted by the Christian and Missionary Alliance and to which Oasis Community Church holds and is accountable. For ease of access, we have taken brief excerpts from that documents pertaining to Marriage and Human Sexuality and also the Sanctity of Life and included them below. Our intention is simply to be honest, open, and transparent about our position so you do not have to guess or assume.
OCC subscribes to the biblical belief that God creates human beings in His image
as two distinct genders, male and female, and that the intended gender identity of an
individual is determined by such individual’s biological sex at birth. OCC applies this belief
regarding gender identity in all policies and programs in OCC’s faith community. In
addition, OCC subscribes to the biblical belief that God has instituted marriage as a
covenant relationship between one man and one woman. OCC recognizes only such
marriages for all policies and programs in OCC’s faith community. Further, OCC
subscribes to the biblical belief that sexual desire is rightfully fulfilled only within marriage
and that unmarried singles who abstain from sex can be whole, mature persons, as
pleasing to God as persons who are faithful in marriage.
OCC subscribes to the biblical belief that all life is sacred from conception to death
and that individuals are known by God from before the foundation of the world and that
human life begins at conception and that death is under the sovereignty of God and not man.
OCC accordingly believes that no procedures should be performed for the primary objective of
terminating a pregnancy and taking the life of an unborn child (such procedures are referred
to herein as abortions) except in rarest of circumstances where other biblical, moral principles
prevail, such as where it is medically impossible to save the life of both the mother and the
child. Similarly, OCC believes that no medical procedure should be performed that takes the
life of an individual prematurely (such procedures are referred to as euthanasia). OCC’s beliefs
further prohibit paying for or otherwise facilitating such procedures.
As dictated by these beliefs, OCC as an organization shall not fund abortions in any manner,
including through a health care benefit plan that covers prescription drugs that induce
abortions, except in the foregoing extraordinary circumstances unless in a particular situation
(i) any such drug is prescribed and used solely for a non-abortive therapeutic treatment of a
covered medical condition or for an abortion in the foregoing extraordinary circumstances
and (ii) coverage is approved by the plan’s governing body or OCC’s appropriate ecclesiastical
authority. In addition, OCC shall not participate through its health care benefit plan in a
program that uses the plan as a means for providing drugs used to induce abortion, except in
the foregoing extraordinary circumstances. Any requirement to facilitate abortions or
euthanasia by participating in such a program, and any penalty for failing to participate in
such a program, would directly and substantially burden and undermine OCC exercise and
expression of its biblical beliefs.